
Shipping & Payments

Shipping & Payments

Shipping costs
Transport costs vary based on the total weight of the purchased goods as well as on the basis of their destination.

Shipping times
Samples are shipped within two working days from the date of confirmation of order and payment.
The goods are delivered by a specialist courier within 15 working days from receipt of payment; the wares will be unloaded at the street level by the apt delivery means.

Payment methods
You can make fast and secure payments, choosing one of the following methods:

    Fast and secure payment by credit card or prepaid card. The service is free and 100% guaranteed, your data will not be shared with the retailer and transactions are protected and encrypted.
    You can quickly and safely pay in few clicks through your PayPal account.
    You can also pay by bank transfer, you will receive all the instructions you need at the end of the order process and in the order confirmation e-mail.

For any necessity, you can place orders by email or via telephone, turning to our specialized customer service staff: +39 320 882 6958 / +39 (0)59 877 4996

For any information, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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